Spotlight of the Month: Brightidea’s New Social Innovation Suite
Posted by: Stefanie on 11/16/2010 2:20:42 PM

Once again, Brightidea raises the bar for leading-edge enterprise innovation management software with the release of our new Innovation Suite. This one-of-a-kind 'Facebook-style' platform allows businesses to monitor the social process of innovation from concept to cash.


Innovation Suite Logo

 "Most people understand: if businesses could operate more like Facebook, there is huge potential to improve communication and collaboration. But the early social software providers like Sharepoint and Jive have failed to deliver on this promise, because they failed to target a specific business processes," said Matthew Greeley, CEO of Brightidea. "Innovation is inherently a creative and social activity, and tracking innovation has emerged as the first 'killer app' to demonstrate the transformative impact social software will have on business."



Therefore, this new, integrated solution of WebStorm, Switchboard and Pipeline includes the most advanced and comprehensive set of social software tools ever created for managing the entire innovation pipeline. At the same time, it delivers on key business metrics at every stage of the process and - most importantly - measurable financial results.


We listened carefully and have incorporated several thousand enhancement requests from you, our customers, our partners and employees.




What’s New in the Brightidea Innovation Suite?

  • WebStorm – Our industry leading online brainstorm tool has been upgraded to include: one-click creation of innovation communities, advanced idea management including clustering and collections, and a multitude of new functions for more flexibility, configurability and extensibility.
  • Switchboard – With a whole new set of features and new user interfaces, Switchboard has become a powerful tool to create a next step for every idea. With Switchboard you can convert ideas into Proposals, set up private team collaboration rooms for proposal development, and drive evaluation with multi-round scorecarding to make better business decisions faster.
  • Pipeline – Brightidea’s social project tracking tool has seen significant enhancements, too. Innovation teams can now share progress on key milestones and stage-gates, track financial investments and results, and create social project pages with activity feeds that make it easy to keep managers and key stakeholders up-to-date.

Take a quick tour here.


"With this release, we are once again setting the standard by which all others will be measured," Greeley said. "These are the features other vendors will be trying to copy in the coming months and years."


Excited? We are too! Contact us today for a demo of the new Brightidea Innovation Suite.


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